Property Management Tips to help keep things running

How to pressurise a combi-boiler

Pressurising your boiler is important to ensure efficient and safe operation of your heating system. 

Maintaining the correct pressure ensures that the boiler functions efficiently, providing adequate heat to your home.

Proper pressure helps prevent damage to the boiler and its components. Insufficient pressure can cause the boiler to overheat or even fail, leading to costly repairs or replacements.

Adequate pressure is essential for the safe operation of the boiler. Low pressure can result in the boiler not functioning properly, potentially leading to gas leaks or other safety hazards.

The pressure in the boiler helps to circulate water through the system. Without sufficient pressure, water may not flow properly, leading to uneven heating or cold spots in your home.

Maintaining the correct pressure ensures that your heating system operates at its peak efficiency, which can help save energy and reduce heating costs.

Overall, pressurising your boiler is an essential maintenance task that ensures both the performance and safety of your heating system. It’s important to follow manufacturer guidelines and regularly check the pressure gauge to ensure it remains within the recommended range.

How to bleed a radiator

Bleeding a radiator is necessary to remove trapped air from the system. When air gets trapped inside a radiator, it can prevent hot water from circulating properly, leading to cold spots or uneven heating in your home. Bleeding the radiator releases this trapped air, allowing hot water to flow freely and ensuring that your heating system operates efficiently. It’s a simple maintenance task that can improve the performance of your heating system and keep your home comfortably warm. 

How to unblock a kitchen sink

Unblocking a kitchen sink can be a hassle, but it’s usually something you can handle without professional help. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Boiling Water: Sometimes, all it takes is pouring boiling water down the drain to dissolve the blockage. Boil water in a kettle and carefully pour it down the drain in two or three stages, allowing it to work for a few seconds between pours.
  2. Plunger: Use a sink plunger to create suction over the drain. Fill the sink with enough water to cover the bottom of the plunger, then place the plunger over the drain and push down firmly, then pull up sharply. Repeat several times, and hopefully, the blockage will loosen.
  3. Baking Soda and Vinegar: Pour about a cup of baking soda down the drain, followed by a cup of vinegar. Let the mixture sit for about 15 minutes, then flush it with boiling water. The reaction can help break down grease and other organic matter.
  4. Plumbing Snake: If the blockage is stubborn, you may need to use a plumbing snake. Insert the snake into the drain and turn the handle clockwise while pushing it forward. When you encounter resistance, rotate the snake to break up the clog. Pull out any debris that comes up with the snake.
  5. Chemical Drain Cleaners (Optional): If none of the above methods work, you could try using a chemical drain cleaner. Be cautious when using these products, as they can be harmful if not used correctly and can damage older pipes. Follow the instructions on the product carefully and consider using them only as a last resort.
  6. Check the P-Trap: If the blockage persists, the issue may lie in the P-trap—a curved pipe beneath the sink designed to trap debris. Place a bucket or bowl underneath the P-trap to catch any water or debris, then use a wrench to loosen the slip nuts on either side of the trap. Remove the trap and clear out any blockages.

Remember to wear rubber gloves and take safety precautions when working with chemicals or plumbing tools. If you’re uncomfortable or unable to resolve the issue yourself, don’t hesitate to call a professional plumber.